WalkMe Wisdom: Insights on Digital Adoption

Guideme Webdev Guideme Webdev

WalkMe for Salesforce

Salesforce is the world’s leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Like other CRM platforms, Salesforce is designed to help sales teams manage relationships and interactions with customers, leads, and prospects.

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Guideme Webdev Guideme Webdev

WalkMe Marketplace

An Online Marketplace is a type of e-commerce site where product or service information provided by multiple third parties. Marketplace brings buyers and sellers on an electronic platform to satiate the need of the other. The WalkMe Marketplace is the platform for you to explore, meet and hire independent professional freelancers & agencies to accelerate your digital adoption projects.

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DIgital Adoption Guideme Webdev DIgital Adoption Guideme Webdev

Implementing Your Digital Adoption Transformation

Every organization is going through a digital transformation in one form or another, whether they are implementing a new system, updating a legacy one, or changing their internal or external processes.

Digital adoption programs are crucial for any company that wants to keep up in today’s fast-paced economy. To maximize the returns on those programs, however, it is important to structure and manage them properly. The performance of a digital tool, like WalkMe, after all, depends heavily on how efficiently and effectively those tools are adopted.

Approach the implementation of digital adoption just as you would any other of your products: through analysis, design and iterative implementation. Here we will introduce you to important concepts in the development process. Following these guidelines will help you manage digital adoption products like WalkMe and get a sense of how to extract the most value from them.

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Social, DIgital Adoption Madee Amparo Social, DIgital Adoption Madee Amparo

New Year, New Understanding of Technology

2021 will be a year of new inventions, experiences, IPOs, conversations, sales, and new technology.

But it will also be a year for more.

Now that covid is on its way out (good riddance), that will mean more of the world will open back up. More travel, more eating out, but most importantly for this article, more technology usage; especially in the form of Digital Transformation.

Covid reinforced to us that remote work is possible & may even be better in some cases. The digital age is only growing, and we must grow alongside it.

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Social, Business Guideme Webdev Social, Business Guideme Webdev

The Enemy of Digital Transformation is Short Term Thinking

“It doesn’t affect me right now, so I’ll worry about it later.”

“Let’s just handle what’s right in front of us now.”

“Can we get a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) out for the time being?”

How often are these said or thought when heading into a project? There’s no doubt that solving short term problems is a solution, but when we take a step back and review what we’ve done, can we say for sure that was the most optimal path?

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Social, Business Guideme Webdev Social, Business Guideme Webdev

Change Management for Your Digital Transformation

We live in a world where information technology (IT) is changing our lives for the better. At the same time, technology, itself, is changing and evolving. Competition is at its peak in today’s market. Every business is trying to incorporate new technologies into their products and services to keep ahead of the competition.

Implementing effective change management is crucial to the success of a business as they navigate into the new waters of a digital transformation. Change is hard, and it is unrealistic to expect it to happen without effort. Change management is a process of identifying, choosing, and evaluating the latest technological trends that can be incorporated into different departments of the company. It is addressing the “people” side of change to achieve the desired business outcome.

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Social, Business, DIgital Adoption Stephen Pech Social, Business, DIgital Adoption Stephen Pech

Business Continuity in Times of Great Change

The reality that has been brought upon us by the Covid-19 global pandemic is something few could have foreseen. And even fewer still could have predicted the unprecedented impact it has had on our everyday lives. Business today is anything but business as usual. We face a potentially perfect storm of changes to suppliers, customer consumption, government regulation, employees and office logistics. Those prepared for the worst had business continuity plans (BCPs) in place to allow them to keep operating during times of emergency or disaster. Yet even those with business continuity plans in place have found themselves struggling to put those plans into motion.

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Guideme Webdev Guideme Webdev

Top Tips for a New Builder

In the world of WalkMe, a builder is the person who uses WalkMe’s tools to create guides and walkthroughs that will allow users to learn and adapt to new software. While WalkMe’s platform has a lot of tools to offer, getting the most out of them requires proper planning and forethought. Whether you are a builder, or you have one on your team, here are a few key concepts that can help to improve the quality of guides, accelerate development and rapidly deliver results.

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