Accelerate User Experience with WalkMe Automation

Technologies that sounded impossible years ago are reality today. Automation in Business uses these technologies to improve and increase efficiency. Nowadays, automation in business is only gaining impulse and shows no signs of stopping.

Automation in business means shifting the responsibility for completing activities from humans to machines. In today’s digital environment, customers are empowered, forcing businesses to become more mobile, agile and customer centric. Automating manual processes, helps business leaders ensure that their digital transformation targets are being met.

Why WalkMe Automation?

WalkMe strongly believes automation is the wave of the future, and we are accordingly devoting abundant time and effort to super-charging WalkMe Automation for builders and end-users alike. What is unique about WalkMe automation is that it is integrated as part of our Digital Adoption Platform. WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform simplify use experiences by automating any process. With WalkMe automation, automate business processes to eliminate empty clicks, increase user efficiency and uphold data integrity.

WalkMe Apps offering WalkMe Automation:

  1. WalkMe ActionBot:

ActionBot is API-free and uses a natural language chat interface making digital adoption as simple as holding a conversation. ActionBot allows your user to have conversation with a Bot to obtain information or to complete desired processes. ActionBot enhances the customer and employees experience by eliminating confusion, errors and annoyance while helping users complete tasks.

  1. Smart Walk-Thru Auto Steps and Page Action Steps

Smart Walk-Thrus simplify the user experience by providing on-screen guidance at the moment of need so user can complete any task successfully. Smart Walk-thrus can now be fully automated as per the use case.


With Auto-Steps, you can easily automate numerous tasks for your users, saving them time, and improving their user experience. This way, your employees and end-users can focus on what really matters, instead of where to navigate to get to a feature. Auto-Steps can be added anywhere in the Smart Walk-Thru. It helps to complete actions in behalf of user like clicking a button, clicking an URL, typing into any field, hover over any drop down menu or list.


Page Action Steps:

Page Action steps known as custom actions. This step can be used in automating page-oriented actions like redirecting to a new page, refreshing a page, or opening the WalkMe Menu. Page Action Steps can be combined with Auto Steps in any Smart Walk-Thru and the entire process can be automated in minutes.

Dynamic Text:

Dynamic Text allows to customize text used by WalkMe for different features. It allows to personalize and automate text used in balloons or popups in any Smart Walk-Thru. Dynamic text is based on end-user information and allows you to personalize a ShoutOut or balloon with a user’s name, or even change text that’s auto filled for a user using an automated process.

It’s really simple to add WalkMe automation. There is no hard coding and R&D required or there’s no API involved. All you have to do is work on top of the user experience and build these flow end-to-end. Regardless of the tools, processes, or methods employed, digital process automation is a critical step for every business that wants to survive and thrive in today’s evolving marketplace.


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